Products & Technologies



Finding right raw material

Most fundamental part of brake pad is to find and develop right raw material. SAC uses eco-friendly raw materials and we combine them with the most optimized formula to reduce vibration and noise.

Also, due to technical license agreement with NISB Japan, SAC can apply variety of experience and skill to our development.

Analysis on vibration and noise

SAC uses the most high tech equipment to analyze and solve brake vibration and noise. The high tech equipment is used for creating real environment to test brake pad.

From this test, we collect data in very sophisticated way. And from this data, we can find a answers to solve noise and vibration.

Vehicle test by real driver

We all know that high tech equipment is very important for the brake test. But SAC believes test that is done by human is just as important.

For this kind of test, SAC uses vehicles test equipment while actual driving. This process is essential to make great quality.